Komunikim- Shtypi
Tax alert prepared by "A.R.S Legal & Financial Services" ltd
To keep you up to date with the latest changes in Albanian legislation, this tax alert prepared by "A.R.S Legal & Financial Services" ltd provides you with valuable information regarding:
- Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 690, dated 2.9.2020 “On determination of procedures of the competition, additional criteria for applicants competing to obtain a license for the category “Casino”, the procedure of announcing the winner, as well as the occasions of revocation or suspension of this license.”
- Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 689, dated 2.9.2020 “On determining the area in where the game of luck of category “Casino” shall be allowed to be places, in Tirana city.”
- Instruction No. 36 dated 21.9.2020 “On an amendment to Instruction No. 5, dated 30.01.2006 “On income tax”, as amended.