Komunikim- Shtypi
Successful Joint Action of Business Organizations and Chambers of Commerce in Albania on the extension of the deadline for declaration of the Registering of the Beneficially Owners
Further to the issuance of the Ministry of Finance of the new legal obligation born in the framework of the implementation of Law no. 112/2020 “On Registering of Beneficiary Owners”, to be applied from business with deadline 31st of March 2021, CCI France Albanie with other Chambers and Business Organizations sent a Letter to the Minister of Finance asking for an extension of the deadline declaration of the beneficiary owners from 31st of March 2021 to 30th of June, 2021.
In a prompt reaction, the Minister agreed to approve the required extension of the deadline until June 30th, 2021 and issued a new Normative Act approving the deadline extension and giving all of us the necessary time to prepare the required documents.