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Second Economic Forum France-Albania Kicks Off

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, France and Albania, Julien Roche said that two-cultural team of the Chamber enables French companies to clearly perceive the Albanian market

TIRANA – The Embassy of France in Tirana in cooperation with the University of Tirana, the Francophone University Agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of France held on Monday the Economic Forum France- Albania, within the “Francophone Spring.”

Present at the activity were French Ambassador to Albania, Bernard Fitoussi, Rector of the University of Tirana, Dhori Kule and the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of France, Julien Roche. An important role in the forum was dedicated to the students, where they were presented with opportunities to exchange experiences and study in France but also regarding their employment in French enterprises in our country. 

On the sidelines of the forum, the French Ambassador said that French-speaking countries develop strategies for economic and structural transformation to improve their participation in regional and international exchanges. 

He stated that for francophone, the strategy seeks to harmonize economic growth, the fight against poverty and inequality, environmental protection and preservation of cultural heritage. "To this end, it calls for the deepening of democratic processes, strengthening of the rule of law, governance, human rights and equality between women and men. It also seeks involvement of more local actors and civil society, the private sector and Diaspora,” said Fitoussi.

According to him, it envisages strengthening of the francophone economic space to respond to problems arising from the economic, social, energy and the environment challenges as well as growing imbalances in the global economic and financial system. 

"These words have a great resonance here in Albania. Of course, Albania's future is in Europe, particularly in the EU. But in terms of the economy, it is part in developing countries. There is an inseparable link (strong) between economic Francophone in Albania and the European future of this country. The highest authorities of the state hope that the French and francophone enterprise in general, be more present to build the road that will lead Albania towards the EU. Such is the challenge of your presence here. A tough and competitive path. The stronger, transparent and fair is competition among European companies, even among French ones, the more opportunities for development, and integration will have this place,” said Fitoussi.

On his part, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, France and Albania, Julien Roche said that two-cultural team of the Chamber enables French companies to clearly perceive the Albanian market. According to him, this Chamber, created since 2012 in our country, is aimed at developing economic exchanges between the two countries.

"Our objective is clear, entrepreneurs serving entrepreneurs and others. With the help of our 70 member companies we offer French companies facilities to establish or to speed up the pace of their activities to become part of the Albanian market,” said Roche. “Our assistance is in the field of audit, banking, university, real estate, hotels, attorneys, insurance, health, mining, transport, logistics, etc,” he added.

Source: ADN


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