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Ophthalmology field in Albania after Covid-19: Three questions with Margarita Lutaj / Albanian VISION Institute

Interview: Three questions with Margarita Lutaj / Albanian VISION Institute


CCIFA: How will the market behave in the field you cover after the Covid-19 situation in Albania?

M.L:  Our activity is based on medical services in the field of ophthalmology (Consultation, surgical intervention, vocational training and and optics services).
What we are living in these times is a sanitary crisis of global magnitude and one of the worst in the last100 years.
This makes the situation more difficult in Albania, with a delicate or weak health and financial system. However in Albania, this situation passed with quiet than in many other European countries. The reasons are not known, but one could be the measures taken by the government in a right time. It is clear that the measures taken contribute to the fight against the spread of the virus, but on the other hand these measures have and will continue to have catastrophic impacts on the economy.
This effect has started and is thought to worsen in the coming months even more in Albania with a weak economy. Temporary and partial closure of activities for about 2.5 months, mechanically translates into significant reductions in financial household income per family.
Our activity is based on a financial system where income is generated by individual payments. (In Albania there is a health security system, but it does not work in the private sector),so the state does not reimburse. This is a weak point in our financial income. Consequently we think that we will have a decrease in demand for various services, while the need for these services will be increased.mIn this situation we have developed a strategy, with the objective, to maintaining the clientele and ensuring the continuity of our activity, this is for as,
For this:
We are fighting to ensure the trust of patients in the sanitary context and in the health of the eye and We have seen the possibility of reviewing tariffs. (to facilitate financial situation of the patients since there are no refunds).
And to continue to be present in the market with our services in the protection of eye health with European standards in both technology and knowledge in this field. (for the patients)

In advance, this strategy aims to contribute to the promotion of solidarity and sanitary education in the country. The financial damage of our budget is related to the size of the demand for these services but also to
other expenses related to training and supplementation with materials and products for disinfection as part of the application of protective measures in the fight against Covid (previously there were classic expenses for this purpose). As a strategy component is and elaboration of protective measures as:
-evaluation of physical space facilities where services are performed;
- definition of places prohibited for patients;
- managing the flow of consultations in space and time;
-m equipping with individual protective equipment (workers staff and patients);
- definition of the timing of the disinfection;
All these measures translate into a reduction in the number of services per unit of time and space, consequently a decrease in the financial income of our company.
So the temporary closure, (without financial income for 3 months) reduced demand for these services and increased costs for the application of protective measures would result to a decrease in revenues in our budget.


CCIFA:   What are your ways to better manage your staff during this period?

M.L:  At this time of sanitary crisis, staff management is one of the key problems of our activity.

The objective of our strategy is:

  • sanitary staff protection;
  • preservation of the workplace for each;

Since the work profile of our staff is specific, our efforts are to protect maximalist the workplace.

Our staff is highly experienced and trained in this field.

We must ensure their trust in the sanitary context as well as in the preservation of the workplace.

For this we have made monthly payments regardless of the closing for three months, enabling them to feel valued and trusted for the job.

In the sanitary context we have designed a   protocol of actions and a work schedule and completed the staff with all the equipment and protective materials that serve to reduce the risk of infection from the virus at work.

The protocol of actions contains:

  • Determination and demarcation of physical distance for them and for patients;
  • disinfection procedures for each patient;
  • Modern technological equipment to provide the monitoring in distance fragile patients.
  • continuous staff training for the application of disinfectant protection measures;

In this way we contribute strongly to their sanitary education of their families and all their relatives, becoming a supporter of the government's program in the fight against the virus.

At this time of sanitary crisis, staff management is one of the key problems of our activity.

The objective of our strategy is:

  • sanitary staff protection;
  • preservation of the workplace for each;

Since the work profile of our staff is specific, our efforts are to protect maximalist the workplace.

Our staff is highly experienced and trained in this field.

We must ensure their trust in the sanitary context as well as in the preservation of the workplace.

For this we have made monthly payments regardless of the closing for three months, enabling them to feel valued and trusted for the job.

In the sanitary context we have designed a   protocol of actions and a work schedule and completed the staff with all the equipment and protective materials that serve to reduce the risk of infection from the virus at work.


CCIFA: A message for CCI France-Albanie members?

M.L:  We hope and wish that this sanitary situation has served as a lesson for the future that the economy of life, (health) to take precedence over the market economy.

To cultivate, to encourage, to stimulate global solidarity for overcoming with the least possible socio-economic damage of this crisis.

The virus knows no boundaries, the virus has no passport.


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