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Kashari, free economic zone, Veliaj: There will be many European companies from around the world  

The mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, said that the coronavirus is hitting the economy hard, but this situation should be viewed positively and such is the creation of a free economic zone in Kashar.

During a TV interview, Veliaj emphasized that “it is true that no municipality is happy that it does not generate revenue. But public space taxes will not be collected when the premises are closed for March and April, the social housing tax will not be collected and they have been forgiven for the needy.

"The time has come to make some plans and we are moving very fast to build the Free Economic Zone in Kashar, which will have many European companies from around the world looking for a European country to come from Asia, with more modest salaries.This is definitely a crisis, but also an opportunity for European companies located in Asia to come closer and settle here, "said Veliaj.

Focusing on easing measures, he said bars and restaurants will be the last in the spotlight.

"We are talking about opening the construction sector or industries, civil status, resumption of services and based on the progress will be seen and the freedom of the dropper, social events are at the bottom of the list," - said Veliaj.


SOURCE: Agjencia Telegrafike Shqiptare

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