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Komunikim- Shtypi

Company presentation: ''Çelësi Media Group''


“Çelësi Media Group” operates in the Albania market since 1998. Our commitment to
the clients enables us to offer e unique insights and a unique performance in the
market. UNIPRO ACADEMY is a new initiative that joined our group lately and its
core activity is e-learning.
The current complex society which is undergoing continuous transformation makes
inevitably the need for having ongoingly updated knowledge, thus enable one to
remain competitive in all kinds of employable sectors. In addition, such society
transformation has created new professions which are mainly related to technology,
online sector and soft skills.
The Vision of UNIPRO ACADEMY is to reach the young generation through online
methodologies and engage them in their professional improvement through online
courses. In this way, UNIPRO ACADEMY will teach the young generation on how to
make use the technology for business purposes and thus improve their chances for
employment and/or self-sustainability.


Download Celesi_Media_Group_Presentation.pdf  (PDF • 479 KB)
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