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​Promote your company!

Promote your company

The French Chamber's publications offer your company key tools to promote your products and services to a unique target of professionals interested or involved in the trade between France and the Albania. 

Have a look at our wide range of advertising options including France Albanie Express newsletter, our Franco-Albanian Directory, our Member-to-member programme, our CCIFA Weekly News, our Annual report and our website and social media.

France Albanie Express

Our bi- monthly Newsletter - France Albanie Express - is sent electronically to our member base, partners, which are made up over 4000 representatives in Albania, announcing its forthcoming events and special offers. France Albanie Express is sent to the French Chambers of Commerce in France and abroad.

Franco-Albanian Directory

Our Franco-Albanian Directory  is the directory of the French Chamber members. It is distributed to all members’ representatives, which is made up over 80 companies, free of charge as a benefit of their membership. It is also distributed via our webside et social media.

Member to member offers programme

Our Member 2 Member Offers will this year be featured on our soon-to-be launched in the website. This initiative allows members the opportunity to offer a discounted rate on their products or services to fellow members, in order to attract new clients and to benefit from a year’s FREE visibility.

CCIFA Weekly News

Every Friday, you can receive- CCIFA Weekly News- the only weekly press magazine on Albanian news, as well as the weekly Activity of the Chamber-sent by e-mail. CCIFA Weekly News is published by CCI France Albania with the support in particular of the Press Service of the French Embassy in Albania; available via our website.

Annual report

The annual report is sent to all our members, consisting of economic leaders of all sectors, Franco-Albaian administrators and Franco-Albanian decision makers. It is sent to the French Chambers of Commerce in France and abroad; available via our website

Online Advertising& Social Media

Our new website & Social Media reaches beyond our member base as it provides a variety of useful information to a broad range of individuals and businesses.  

For more information on our advertising opportunities, please contact: 00355 68 40 89998 or on evenements@ccifa.al


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