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[EVENT] "International Tasting Wine & Spirits 2"

This year also we gathered more than 100 companies from different nationalities to the 2nd edition of this multicultural event “International Tasting: Wine &Spirits 2 –Held on the 13/06/2018, at Tirana Business Park TBP premises, organized by CCI France Albania, DIHA, AmCham, Advantage Austria, British Chamber, Albanian Commercial Union (BTSH), CCI of Italy, ICC Albania, Producer of family wines (Prodhuesit e Veres Familjare), Nordic Association and Swiss Chamber

The guests degusted over 120 bottles of white and red wine from 13 countries like Michel Lynch Rose & Chateau de Brandey Bentejac at the French Stand sponsored by Alehandro Group and many others from the others stands.

“Over the last 300 years people have expounded about wine. From famous artists and politicians to anonymous, allow me to mention some of the top funny wine quote:

“Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it”

“People are like wine – some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.”


Wishing that your business network and relation will be improved as a good wine! Today you are invited to taste all of wines and create a great moment for you all, because the networking is a pleasure and necessity which lead to more business opportunities and more job around us” said in her speech our First Vice-president, Mme Elisabeth Gjoni And Stephanie Sieg the Chairman of DIHA in her speech said: “We are proud that not only the numbers of participants has increased also the number of chambers, which are collaborating together. It is very important for all of us to have this kind of strong collaboration to support the existing business environment but also Albania in their needs and future growth.  ”


Download Mot_1ere_vice-presidente.pdf  (PDF • 183 KB)
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