Communication - Presse

Tax Alert prepared by "A.R.S Legal & Financial Services" Ltd

 To keep you up to date with the latest changes in Albanian legislation, this Tax Alert prepared by "A.R.S Legal & Financial
Services" Ltd provides you with valuable information regarding:


-Law no. 21/20120 was published For some additions and changes in the Law no. 89/2014 “On Medical Devices”;

-Normative Act No. 3, dated 15.03.2020 "On taking special administrative measures during the duration of the infection period
caused by Covid19",

-Law no. 35/2020 amendments to law no. 7898, dated 27.01.1995 "Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania", as amended.


For more information contact:
Email: info(@)
Mobile: +355 69 978 9625
Address: "Kavaja" Street, "Sun Tower" Center, 8th floor, Ap 30, Tirana.


Télécharger Tax_Alert_April_2020.pdf  (PDF • 851 Ko)


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