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IRIS Sup’ helps you to find the ideal profile for your missions abroad ! Monitoring, analysis, forecasting, decision-making support, recommendations, strategic programming !

IRIS Sup’ was established in 2002 by the Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), a nationally and internationally recognised French think tank working on geopolitical and strategic issues. Every year, over 350 students follow courses, recognised by the State, in geopolitics applied to organisations, resulting in a Master’s-equivalent diploma.

“International Strategy Analyst” graduates go on to work in monitoring or consulting services, decision-making support, prospective analysis, risk and crisis management within public institutions, international organisations, charities and NGOs, private companies or research centres.

“Humanitarian Manager” graduates are able to analyse a complex and changing international environment, use strategic planning, implement and evaluate international programmes and apply innovative programming and management tools specific to environments in transition, undergoing renewal or development, and/or involving international cooperation.

For more information read the attached document.

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