La Chambre

Articled published by Follow Business Albania - Our Chamber has been founded in January 2012 by seven founding members..

1.    How and when the French Albanian Chamber of Commerce was born?


Our Chamber has been founded in January 2012 by seven founding members; The French Chamber of Commerce in Albania is part of a network of 113 French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad (CCI France International), which is the largest private French network in the world with a combined membership base of more than 30,000 companies.


One of the largest Foreign Chamber in Albania today in terms of both turnover and range of services offered, we are also member of the “Forum Francophone des affaires” in France.

We count more than 80 member companies - ranging from large companies to SMEs and entrepreneurs. The diversity and quality of our members - 70% of which are non-French nationals - largely contributes to our success and to the reputation we have acquired over the last 5 years of existence.



2. As well as being a powerful businessman, what are the other reasons behind the choice you made to run this Chamber?


{Laugh}… thanks, The French Chamber of Commerce plays a critical role in building partnerships and relationships across the French-Albanian business community- this is the reason we founded it. Our policies are guided by a Board of 10 Directors responsible for all major decisions concerning the Chamber's strategy. The team led by Blerina, our Executive Director is excellent and the members enjoy being part of a dynamic Chamber of Commerce



3. What is the mission behind the CCI France - Albanie and how has this Chamber contributed to the progress of the bilateral cooperation between Albania and France?


It is very simple; everything we do at CCIFA aims to promote the trade between two countries and promote our members. 


We provide networking opportunities to give Chamber members an opportunity to share ideas with other business owners.


As a  French Chamber since 2012, we have organized important events through which we demonstrate our strong business links with France;


5. How does the current economic situation in both countries affect the overall pace and volume of trade?

Nearly 420 French companies export to the Albanian market; around 60 of them are large companies.


We can mentioned, Spiecapag, the project TAP; Safran/Morpho for the biometric passport, Airbus helicopters, Nexter sytems on defense, CNR on energy sector

We have also EGIS,Societe Generale Albania, Selenice Bitumi on mine industry, MPAY for telephones services, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot- Cars Industry; internet, agriculture, textile, tour operators, tourism…



6. What you are most proud of as a Chamber and what makes it stand out from the other chambers?


Well, We are proud that our members are loyal to CCI France Albania; … The 20 events we organize every year, with personalities from the Albanian and French political and business worlds, offer great opportunities for our members to develop their business and expand their network of contacts.


7. Looking to the future, how might the Chamber evolve? Some 'spicy' events to look forward for the rest of 2017...


We are in close cooperation with the PACA region (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur); in cooperation with DIHA and other CCI, we shall organize a Multicultural event – Wine degustation; other event is in social area; also, we aim to promote our members by organizing events dedicated to them.



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